I knew something was wacky .. but it sure took a long time to figure out just what. I use an ancient Dell computer with WinXP on my network to run the OpenDNS and DynDNS updater clients. Everything else on my system is running Linux but these programs only work under XP, so .. whine. Their job is to monitor my current IP address and send updates to OpenDNS and DynDNS for me if they ever change so that you can find me on the internet and so I can find only good stuff on my connections.
ismyblogworking.com Is your webpage/blog working? How do you know? Veronica Belmont of tekzilla.com has shown us the way .. again. She reported a new free utility website called ismyblogworking.com that checks for you and reports back all sorts of neat techie info. You just enter in the site you want to check on their main page, or append it to the end for a quick shortcut e.g. ismyblogworking.com/magrath-ab.net/news/blog We can create and host your new custom business web site or update, maintain or redesign your existing site for you. Need to set up a webname? Want to configure google apps? We can help! |