Auxiliary problem: Don't have any spare cash for a tech to come by and do it for me.
Problem: Laptop or computer infected with malware/virus/slow/unwanted popups, because say, a friend has kindly uninstalled/reloaded back to original pristine factory state (a new full setup required) or because my system is just sick and has pick up a bug somewhere 'out there'.
Auxiliary problem: Don't have any spare cash for a tech to come by and do it for me.
I keep having to look this kind of thing up, so I think it is better to repost the how-we-did-it's ..
From time to time I find it useful to extract audio (MP3 format) from a video (MP4). My camera takes pretty good video, but a recent how-to video project involved editing several videos, pictures and audio together to make sense of all my ramblings. In this case, I had video with audio I wanted to use and vice versa and wanted to mix them together .. into a final version video using another program called the Openshot Video Editor. A long while ago my brother Greg got me connected to a website called 'Nauvoo Cousins' or the ilk that listed your connection to LDS Pioneers from the Nauvoo era. It was discontinued a while back and I had been searching for a suitable replacement utility ..
I have been a fan of OpenDNS for a long time now. This free offering automatically protects you and all your 'connectors' (those freeloaders you have connecting to your home internet connection - computers, laptops, phones, tv's, neighbors, houseguests, etc ). You just have to signup and configure your home router to use the OpenDNS DNS servers to you find good stuff and block the bad stuff on the internet. Having been a user of RootsMagic6, I was happy to upgrade to RootsMagic7 when it became available back in Dec 2014 .. and while it installed and worked fine on my Win8 laptop, I was sadly disappointed that it would not work correctly under Ubuntu - until today.