My daughters seminary class used this website to check out how they were all related to each other .. very useful for planning your grad date strategies. You simply give Relative Finder access to your Family Tree on by signing on to your account there via their logon button and it then analyzes your tree there and tells you which famous LDS and other people you are related to and exactly how.
Relative Finder by BYU Family History Technology Lab
Allows you to pull in data from FamilySearch to find relatives among friends and famous people.
Free • Online • Utility
You could get super organized and create a your own private group to work with .. say your ward or as our kids did with their seminary class. Each member of the group must sign themselves in and link themselves to your group and thereafter it can analyze each members family tree for connections. There are many preset public groups as well to choose from: Mayflower and US Presidents to LDS Prophets and Pioneers .. fun!
Not sure if it really matters that Brigham Young is my 4th cousin 5 times removed through my my 4th great-grandmother's line - but it is kinda fun to think about ..