Our little town only has a Postal Station - no house delivery. I have a Post Office Box Number, which generates a nasty note (if they put it in my box) if anyone forgets to put on the sacred number.
When I moved to Magrath, we found it easier to just piggyback on my family post box for which we just all had a key. Meanwhile, 15 years later, the Lions Club needed a box so that they could receive mail at a common location. Mr Canada Post said no. I said why not? They said because the club has no street address. So I said, what about mine (unused for the past 15 years). They reluctantly said maybe .. reluctantly .. ok and gave me my requested new box number.
The problem? Today I received a package in the mail (new passports, but that is another long sad story) that required a signature and a piece of government issued photo id. Since I had requested it be sent to my new box number, Mr Canada Post employee must see my ID with my picture and current 'address' (box number not street number). In the past, since we have lived here most of my life, this step was never necessary. So .. my ID has the old number .. not the new one and they 'cannot' release my package. Hmmm. Thanks for the service. There solution? Go to the other government office and pay for a change of address which should show up in about two weeks. So, how do I pick up that piece of mail (since it would be my new ID)? Sad times for Mr Canada Post.
Result: I am doing ALL I can to move ALL my mail to alternative means - email, courier, homing pigeon .. whatever works .. since Mr CPC does not work for me. Arrrggg
Has it always been this way? NO! That is what is so frustrating. I recall once receiving a letter simply addressed to Roger in Magrath (before the days of postal codes). The diligent post master knew the town folk and forwarded the mail to my mothers post office box. Now that was service!
Fast forward to today and factor in the cost of a stamp now a day. Sad isn't it. The post master has his hands tied by unnecessary corporate policy. Due to (insert bogus policy) they can no longer provide mail to people they have lived next to for decades. If a package doesn't fit in the box, they place a little pickup notice in the box, which must be taken to the counter. Then they require photo ID to pick it up, which must match the box number or must have previously been listed on a letter of authorization. So, my Mom or Joe Public can pick up mail for me under a letter of authorization .. but I can't pick up my own mail with my old ID? Does this make sense?
Maybe I am being too hard on them // email me if you have had a good experience with our current postal service .. and I will post it here ( .. chirp .. chirp .. .. chirp .. chirp .. ) no takers? I thought not.