Besides the basic stuff Linux Mint installs (Firefox, Libreoffice, etc) I took a little time to install Google Chrome for Internet, Family Search Indexing (Linux version), Wine and PAF, GnuCash for accounting, and even DosBox to run my better half's favorite DOS game Solitiles ..
I then tested Cinnamon on my Ubuntu Laptop, wow. I knew Linux was customizable, but hadn't really internalized the fact that they can all run pretty much whatever the other distro's can run. When you check the reviews, the focus is on what is pre-packaged with the install. However, with Linux Distros, if I like the way that Linux Mint uses Cinnamon, I can install it and run it on my Ubuntu system. Sweet. Switching desktop environments turns out to be a snap .. I just log off and back on after selecting the desktop I wanted to try.
The old computer is now ready for the upcoming Magrath Lions Garage Sale .. or for donating to the neighbours; completely ready to browse the internet, send and receive email, run PAF and Family Search, and track the family checkbook balances. Fun!