How can such a user expect to safely navigate the treacherous open waters of the internet? A similar client got one of those "I'm from a company working with Microsoft and just need you to run this little program for me so I can 'fix' your computer for you" followed by "Oh no, you have a lots of virus problems, what is your banking information so we can fix that for you"! By then it was a bit too late. They already have full access remotely to your computer and could install pretty much anything. Even worse, the other computers in the house networked to that infected computer now are also vulnerable.
You may want to read this .. www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jul/18/phone-scam-india-call-centres?CMP=twt_gu and also www.microsoft.com/security/online-privacy/msname.aspx
Be careful out there!